Dancing through life...

Dancing Through Life...
If You Just Smile...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

In the Blink of an Eye

Last night my beautiful friend, Leah, hosted a going away party for me. Friends of mine gathered together and ate food, sat by the pool, and chatted in the shade. My favorite things: friends, food, laughter and sunshine:-). At the end of the night Leah surprised me by having everyone gather around the pool and light wish lanterns for me. She asked everyone to share a wish they had for this next stage of my life. I have truly wonderful friends. As I watched all of the lanterns fly in to the sky I thought to myself...I can't believe this chapter is ending! It ended in the blink of an eye. I turned around and I was done with CYMT. I turned around and I turned in my keys to BUMC and walked out the door. In the blink of an eye...it's time to hit the road!! :-)

So much positive growth has been happening in my world recently. It's beautiful really. The women who run The Raining Season have been over in Africa for the past two months fighting tirelessly with the Sierra Leonian government to lift the adoption ban so people can bring their children home. The possibility of this has been squelched time and time again. But, through perseverance, time and prayer, in the blink of an eye, the president approved and granted six month visas to 16 of our children to travel to the U.S. to sing as a choir and partake in a music program sponsored by Picking Violets' (a singing duo's) fan club, The
Tribe. In the blink of an eye...what they have been fighting so hard for seems to be one step closer. My heart has been overjoyed.

But there's one glitch in my world I can't quite shake. I had a falling out with a dear friend over the past two months...and I didn't even have time to...you guessed it...blink. The past three weeks I had so much going on that I pushed it to the side and said...well...this is what has to be...if my friend wants to work things out they'll come try and talk to me. And I've tried to see things from every possible angle but...every angle I look at all I can think is...gosh...my friend was there...and now they are not...and I don't think there's a thing I can do to change it. In the blink of an eye a relationship can change...and I guess if that's true, in the blink of an eye a relationship can be repaired. But how do you do that when you don't know what else to do? I guess...through time, perseverance and prayer perhaps things can turn around. I hope so. But, life keeps happening...

...and...life is so beautiful right now and though I want my dear friend to be a part of it...I don't know how to make that happen. So, I guess I just live in positive thoughts over the situation...and know that exciting things are about to happen and if along the way I find myself able to share life with my friend again...then life will be even more beautiful...in the blink of an eye. :-)

Peace and Love,

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